Sometimes I get rather irritated at patients at work. Either they're rude or just rub me the wrong way, etc etc. And then it's hard to remember that they're in pain and might be having a bad day or whatever. I'm always nice, regardless. But I think I need to try harder to be more understanding and not just nice on the outside but nice on the inside.
Today I had a regular come in and she's this old little lady turning 75 this year and hooked up an oxygen tank and all that. Well I used to be absolutely frightened of her. She was ornery and would only let me draw from her hands and could just be sharp and well, a mean little old lady. Until the last time she came, I missed on one of her hands and she said "well now you owe me a hug."
Totally took me aback. This mean old lady wants... a hug????? And then I realized... she must be so lonely. And just want friendship. I mean, she has kids and grandkids... she can't be all that mean. She's just this way. So I was nicer to her then. And today when I saw her on the schedule, I was actually kind of happy. And definitely not scared.
So today I gave her two hugs just for good measure and we chatted the whole time and even though I missed twice she was super nice at the end and told me I was a good kid. Then the next patient told me I was a sweetheart. Gave me warm fuzzies!!
Another patient came in today and after chatting a bit I learned that she was from England and she and her mother were the only two Latter-Day Saints in their hometown! And that they moved to the States for the Church in the '40s, after WWII! How insane is that!! All this time I've been drawing blood from a real pioneer. If only I'd delved deeper into conversation with her before.
Therefore, I am going to make an effort to talk more with my patients and be kind even when they are mean or ornery because if I can make their day better maybe they won't be the same way to the next person they encounter.
And if you want to read nerdy phlebotomist talk, continue on.
The only reason (well hopefully, ha) I missed twice on that lady I mentioned is she only lets me draw from her hands and she doesn't let me put the tourniquet on very tight. Read: it's basically a bracelet because it's not doing any good that's how loose it is. But when she finally let me try her arm she had a GREAT vein. What the heck! But she said she has pain up there and that's why she only likes the hands. Sigh. Ok, lady. I'll keep a-going on your hands. Reminds me of my sister-in-law who for some reason has an aversion to getting drawn in her arms and prefers the hand. Weird to me because I think hands are way more painful! Oh well to each his/her own.