Sunday, July 26, 2009

tender mercies

I have been seeing the hand of God in my life a lot more recently. Recognizing it more. We went camping this weekend and it was super fun, and some things went wrong, but in the end it couldn't have worked out better and I really think we were blessed with safety and security. I could've crashed Becky's car twice, when I was driving it. But nothing happened. We could've tipped over or fallen off any of the roads, which were crazy winding dirty roads. When Trevor's car died down the mountain, we could've gone ahead and missed him, and without reception how would they have gotten down or contacted anyone? It got towed safely, they all were safe, they found a ride back to Provo. Incredible! There were just so many terrible things that could've happened but God kept us safe. I'm so glad we prayed before and after. I'm so grateful for friends that I can pray with and really believe I will be kept safe with. I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father who blesses us continually with such safety and health.

Ha, every Sunday I get rejuvenated by church and want to become better and feel like yes, I can really do it this week. But then every week I fail again and again, fail to remember Him, fail to remember to try to be more charitable, etc. I really hope I can remember my goals this week and truly progress and begin the change to becoming a better person.

1 comment:

Becks said...

That's how I feel every Sunday too!! Then I suck and super amounts of fail and forget what I told myself I'd do during church. *sigh* Being human sometimes sucks. Good luck, though, you're already an amazing person!! You can only get better ^___^ Unless you throw away my recycling. Then I'll never talk to you again.