Tuesday, January 20, 2009

pray for me, child, even a smile will do for now

I had a lot of fun this weekend-- a lot of firsts! On Saturday Nathaniel, my friend from the Villa 2 years ago, took me rock climbing with him and his friends! Trisha was one of them, who happens to be from my freshman ward! So that was a lot of fun. We went to this place in Orem (can't remember the name) and I'm going to get a year pass so I can go more often-- it was amazing. Exhilarating, scary, awesome, tiring, a good workout, gave me a rush, all at once. Good times.

Next was... Sundance Film Festival 2009! We went to see Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, directed by John Krasinski, most well-known for Jim in The Office. It was quite the process to get on the wait-list...
We started off lining up to get a number 2 hours before the show started. But that doesn't guarantee you a ticket. You have to come back 30 minutes before the show starts and then they'll sell as many tickets as they can. So we got our numbers, 69, 70, 71, then went to get some lunch. Got some pizza, chatted, then I looked at my watch and realized we had 20 minutes to get back, park, and be in number order. So we booked it, Kristen frantically driving, Kenny being super chill in the back, and we got parking miraculously again (FOR FREE!) and made it just in time. Incredible. Of course, they ended up not letting us in for another half hour but still, it was cool we made it barely on time. So then they told us they only let in 50, 50, 9 people in the last showings for this theatre. So Kenny and I figured we wouldn't get in. Kristen of course had undying optimism however... and she ended up being right! We made it into the theatre!!! So then we went up to the balcony and in the dark looked for seats (had to sit separate) but it was great, we got to see the screen well and everything.

It's a funky movie. It was good and I liked it but it was pretty weird. I like how the scenes cut into montages and I liked the cameos/actors (Ben Gibbard, Will Arnett, Karen from The Office) so it was pretty good. Weird though, definitely weird.Kristen and Kenny chilling in line

We guessed which numbers we would get and I was exactly spot on: 70.

While we were eating pizza for lunch, I picked up a Sundance newspaper thing and found out that DAMIEN RICE was playing on Main Street after our movie ended!!! So we went over there after the film and sort of watched him. We couldn't get into the tent but we could hear him so we stood outside and listened for awhile. From what I could hear, he is pretty good live. It was pretty exciting...

Then we got caramel apples at Rocky Mt. Choco Factory then headed home. All in all, it was a pretty successful day with lots of lucky happenstances (free parking all day, making it into the film just barely, finding out about Damien Rice who happened to be playing the one day we went). Good times!!


kacie said...

lol is damien rice the little orange shape in the middle of the picture? anyway, wishes for more great weekends, sweetie pie. :)

Gabe said...

Jean! That sounds like an AMAZING time!!!! :)

AB said...

One of my instructors daughter is doing phlebotomy and she wants to do an internship in South America to help people out like you did in Bolivia and my instructor wanted to know how she could get involved. I figured that would be something you would know maybe?