Monday, May 10, 2010


I finished the GRE--finally! No more studying for another year! A WHOLE YEAR! WHOOO!!!

I paced myself WAY poorly on the math--10 questions with only 4 minutes left. On the last 3 I literally just guessed and randomly picked answers, finishing with 2 seconds on the clock. So for the rest of the test I felt dejected and worthless, feeling like I wasted $160 and had to retake it. So boy was I more than pleasantly surprised to see that 1310 total on my screen. So for those of you who think oh, that's not really that good of a score, it's good for completely guessing on one of the sections!!

Now it's time to work hardcore on my PA apps. Unfortunately I discovered that I may have to cross Northeastern (Boston) off my list--they require 1000 hours of direct patient care experience by the time you APPLY, not START school. Sucky!! I'll have almost 2000 by the time I actually start school, why can't they just count that?! I emailed them to make sure but it looks like bye bye Boston to me. :(

I guess that's ok, I still have 8 other schools to apply to. Hoping to get into at least one of them! Ha. We'll see how things go... the process just plain freaks me out though. The acceptance rate is usually 5% or less. Out of 900 applications, how the H am I supposed to stand out?! Won't my application just look like everyone else's?? Especially since I won't be able to clock in my projected patient hours?? Gah... from one stress to another. Haha.

In other news, I hate the Lakers. And you should too.


1 comment:

Anna said...

The way your application will stand out is by the Holy Ghost.

Just pray and go forward with faith.

Don't worry, it'll work out!


ps. congrats on your kick-butt score!!