BYU devotional today was Lynn Truss, author of "Eats, Shoots & Leaves." She is a British writer, has also written a book titled "Talk to the Hand" about manners/rude people/that general topic, and is hilarious. She was really witty and just... so funny! I'm inspired to read these books and I hope you do too. She basically talked about "The End of Literacy" and how punctuation is there to make things clearer yet people think it's so complicated they use it either incorrectly or not at all, causing much more confusion than necessary. I guess I liked her so much because I totally get where she's coming from. If I read anything I negate them as not credible if I find spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. I just don't understand how people have gone through elementary school without learning the very VERY simple rules of apostrophes, commas, and basic spelling. I don't understand it. She went through several examples of how using them incorrectly completely changes the meaning of the sentence to things rather hilarious actually. Anyway, she's a great speaker. I'm excited to read those books. Maybe over break!
In other news, cheese fries are still delicious and I need to start eating healthier. I also need to start working on my research paper on heart disease, as the library closes in an hour and a half and I have no computer operating system at home.
I have Eats, Shoots and Leaves at home. I highly recommend it.
I had no idea she was gonna be at devotional! Gah! I'm so upset now!
Curse those blasted cheese fries for being so delicious!!!
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