Monday, October 19, 2009

what a wonderful weekend

after playing football in the rain

Jason (my little brother) is leaving in a few weeks to serve in the Korea Seoul West mission! His farewell talk was yesterday, so I spent this whole weekend back home with my family. I flew in Sat morning, after finishing an o chem test the night before and staying up to pack and such. Jason and I tossed the football around outside for awhile (like street children, haha) and I was actually ok!!! Which was exciting. But then it started pouring and the football got too slippery to throw so we headed in. Then we watched college football while taking turns picking songs to listen to on YouTube--he always educates me on what's popular with the kids these days every time I come home. Haha. He's lamenting that I'll be more ahead of him when he comes back in two years, heh. Anyways, he educated me a bit about football as well. Then we went to our friend Sojin's wedding reception! She and Brian were married earlier that morning. She looked so happy--I wish her the best! :) Then we went down to Federal Way to meet up with our grandparents and cousin and eat Chinese for dinner. Had TONS of leftovers that we're STILL working off.. Then spent some time with them at their home then headed home to ours.

On Sunday Jason gave an excellent talk--his topic was "The field is white already to harvest." It was really good--he talked about how we shouldn't be afraid and how we should live our lives so that the gospel is changing us and is a part of us so we aren't hypocrites preaching to others how they should live. He said the gospel and spiritual change is the only lasting and real change that can happen to people. Political change doesn't really change the everyday person. Secular change doesn't really do that. But change from the gospel really does change the lives of people and it's the most important. We need to get to work so we can help people change their lives for the better! But it's not because we are amazing and they need to be too. It's because we are all sinners and that the whole have no need for a physician but the sick do--we're all in this together, it's not a self-righteous type of change we want for others. It's because we love them and want them to have what we have that is so incredible and wonderful.

He's so different--his heart really has changed. I'm so proud of him and so happy for him. I know he's made one of the most important decisions of his life and things are just so good now! He's going to be an incredible missionary, especially because he's had such a powerful conversion himself. This was a conscious decision, to go on a mission, not just something he had to do. I know he's going to do great work. I'm so grateful for everything that contributed to this, to this change in him that's made him and our family so incredibly happy. We're so blessed!!

Afterwards a bunch of family and friends came over for lunch and we all just hung out forever. It was so good. I love my family, they're so hilarious!! And now I'm old enough to talk with the adults too, that's always fun. :)

It's just been an amazing weekend! I didn't realize how badly I needed it. I've been way stressed with school and work among other things, this being my busiest semester yet, and to have nothing to worry about all weekend, to get away, to enjoy the rain and beautiful fall weather, being at home with my family, hanging out, relaxing--it really has been incredible and I'm now rejuvenated and ready to tackle all the work I have awaiting me in Provo. I'm so grateful for this break.. :) But I'm also excited to get back to life and the wonderful things waiting for me back in Utah. :)

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