Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And there will I meet thee

Ether 1:42

It shows the Lord's compassion for the brother of Jared. He will meet him there, He will bless him. It just kind of reminds me that the Lord loves us and wants to help us. And that I should trust Him and let Him work more in my life. I think I forget that He's there and that He can help me.

I think trust is the theme of this year. I've been realizing that a lot of times I just have to trust. God, friends, people. Have faith in them. Trust and faith. Why is it so hard for me to do? It comes so easily to others. Well, everyone has their vices, I guess. How do you work on your trust and faith in people and in God?

I was thinking while I was running the other day--I was running across a bridge--and I realized that every single day we go around trusting so many things, like buildings. I trusted that whoever built that bridge built it so well that me running across it wouldn't break it and cause me to fall into the river underneath. We trust that people don't spit in our food when they serve it to us. We trust that our roommates won't steal our stuff when we're gone. (Ok maybe only in Provo for that one haha) We have to have faith in really simple things every single day. Because people are held accountable for such things. It kind of amazes me, that humans have created this society of set rules where such things are just... you have to do them. And that's what lawsuits and all that crazyness is about. (This is turning into a rambling thought) It just interests me, is all, I guess. That we go about life trusting that people will do what society tells them to do, what we feel obligated to do.

If I have this enormous faith in these people, how can I not have faith in my God? He who created all things, He who has all power and knowledge, He who knows me best and can help me best. Yet, it is so hard. Somehow. But I will work on this. It's important.

I never know how to end entries.


Devin & Rebecca said...

Jean Lee I love you. Thanks for writing this post, I know I for one needed it.

Jean said...

i'm so glad :):):)